wheel alignment

Steering vibrating or the car pulling to the left and right? Having trouble keeping your automotive straight or recently hit a pothole?
All these are signs that you need to align your wheels for your car and care safety purpose.

What is Wheel Alignment?

Wheel Alignment refers to the process of bringing your vehicle's wheel back to the same optimum position as specified by the car's manufacturer. It happens that over time with usage and friction, your wheels may change the direction and angle, which leads to misaligned tyres. At FixnRev Mechanics, the direction and the angle of the wheel is checked, and repaired to bring back the optimal performance of the tyre.

The effects of misaligned wheel

If you're driving with misaligned tyres, your wheel can go through excessive and rapid wear and tyre which will lead to quicker tyre replacement. In case of worn suspension units, it can affect the handling and safety of a vehicle. and alter wheel alignment settings.

Misalignment of wheels is also responsible for poor fuel economy as the car needs to be set straight on the surface making the resistance larger.

The Signs of Misaligned wheels:

● Tyre wearing out quickly or unevenly
● Steering wheel vibration
● The car pulled in different directions
● Noise when turning sharp corners or U-turn

Wheel Alignment Terms

When a tyre expert checks your tire alignment, they are mainly concerned with three things:


When you look at the car from the front and notice an inward or outward angle of the tire, it is called negative or positive camber. Inward tilt is known as negative camber and outward tilt indicates improper alignment and will need to be adjusted.
Camber misalignment is attributed to worn bearings, ball joints, and other wheel-suspension parts.


When compared to camber, toe alignment is the extent to which your tires turn inward or outward when viewed from above. Look at your feet and angle them inward toward the centre of your body. When the tires on your car are angled the same way from the birds-eye view, it is called toe-in alignment. Similarly, face your feet outward, and you have your toe-out alignment. In both cases, the wheel needs adjustment.

Your caster angle is responsible for balancing steering, stability, and cornering. It is the angle of your steering axis when viewed from the side of your vehicle.
Positive caster means that the steering axis will tilt toward the driver. Similarly, in a negative caster, the steering axis tilts toward the front of your vehicle.

Get your wheel alignment checked at FixnRev Mechanics to reduce premature tyre and suspension wear, improve handling, and save money by lowering fuel consumption.
Our tyre experts and technicians are equipped with laser and computerized technology to give you quick and efficient wheel alignment services.

Laser Wheel Alignment